For parents about a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Mom! Dad! Hello!!!
Now that I can tell everything from my own perspective, I have a lot to say. This is all to make it easier or simpler for you... to love me ☺
Even when I was in the belly, you, mom, must have noticed that I was already fidgeting around in there, as if I were playing football or boxing. It's often said that children who look like me can be noticed even when we are growing up. Because of this, there was no need to be afraid, I just loved to move and roll over, as if in a small pool of my own)
When I was born, I often kept you awake because I didn't sleep well, and when I start to walk, it was like a typhoon, and you were constantly running after me to protect me from something. But I'm not doing it on purpose, I'm just like that, fast and impulsive, and often inattentive... It's hard for me to change, so I want to explain everything so that you can have an easier time with me.
It is very important to remember:
The most important thing! If you want to help me, you have to be strong yourself! You have to take care of yourself: rest, eat and sleep, do something pleasant! It's hard to do with me, but, please, try! Because when you're tired, you can't look at the situation objectively.
When you think that you will take care of yourself later, remember who is the first to wear an oxygen mask on an airplane! That's right - parents.
When you think that I do things on purpose, or don't fulfil my promises, I don't do it on purpose, I have a real behavioural disorder - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder!
It's not obvious from the outside that I need help, and it's very annoying, I know this.
Sometimes, when I'm not sure about something, I need to ask for advice from specialists who know what's wrong with me and how to help me with this.
Ideas that will help my development and our communication
It will be great when:
The world around us is predictable: when I know what you're going to do or to say. Then I remember better what to do next time.
When you warn me that we're going somewhere soon or something is going to change, I can then tune in and worry less.
When you take me somewhere with you, even though it's hard.
When I know exactly what I was praised for, then I have the strength to start something new.
I feel really good when you praise me often, sometimes for no reason, but for me it's like recharging my batteries!
When you give me a choice: if I do one thing, I will have one thing, and if I do another, I will have another. This is how I learn that my actions have consequences.
When I can wait for what I was promised, it's better not to wait too long, but rather almost immediately :) At first, it's very hard for me to wait, but that's how I'll train.
When you help me organize my room, my books, my toys: glue calendars for me, set reminders on my phone, hang signs around the rooms as if it is my life! Then I will remember it!
When you sometimes joke with me about our difficulties instead of criticizing me for them.
When you trust me and give me responsible tasks, even very simple ones, but when I am in charge, I seem to grow up to that task.
When other relatives and teachers know the same thing as you do, that I am good, I just need a little more reminder, patience and attention. That's why, share what you know about me with those who take care of me in kindergarten and school.
I feel the best when, even in the worst situation, I am sure that I am the best child for you. Tell me about this!
It's hard for me.
When I don't know how you react to my antics, when you are unpredictable.
When something happens unexpectedly, out of the blue.
When I do, something wrong in the morning and my dad comes home in the evening and scolds me for something I've already forgotten.
When I hear a lot of criticism, I don't want to do anything new.
When the task is very big, and the reward is very far away, like a bicycle at the end of the year if I study well... it's like in another life...
I may have difficulties with writing, reading, or drawing, and sometimes with coordination of movements, and I cannot fix it myself. If you notice this, you should consult with someone specifically, and not wait until it grows out.
I will be very active until I am a teenager, but sedatives will not help me, and often, they will only make it worse. There are special medicines. Psychiatrists, neurologists, and sometimes family doctors know about them.
It's hard for me to restrain myself, so I often do something without thinking, or speak before I have time to think. Help me to stop and say it again.
Ideas on how to help me settle in and find friends
It can be difficult for me to get used to the team and make friends because I don't know how to wait in line, I'm very noisy. Talk to kindergarten teachers and teachers in school and look for ways to help me.
Even if I have a friend who is a bully, try to see something good in our friendship.
It's easy for me to make friends with kids who are younger than me, I feel like I'm older, but I think we have a lot in common.
If you let me invite my friends to our house sometimes, I will be very pleased.
I love football and basketball, but it is much easier for me to be where I am on my own (individual sports).
I love outdoor games and sports, but I often lack the patience to achieve at least basic skills. Find a coach for me who is patient, clear and kind.
Mom, dad, you know I love you and you love me) but if you notice that I am like that Peter Piatochkin from the cartoon, don't wait, but consult with those who know how to help in time.
It may be that you know everything yourself, you are the best after all ☺
However, remember, the main thing is that we are a happy family!