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Easter Basket

Purpose of the Promotion:

On April 23-24-25, 2021 in the Auchan hypermarkets of Kharkiv the charity event "Easter Basket" was held to collect products to support low-income families, single elderly people and people with disabilities.

Auchan Hypermarket is the main partner of the Promotion

Promotion partners:
Caritas Kharkiv Charitable Foundation, Emmaus GO, Caritas-Spes RO, Kharkiv

 Promotion results:
- Assistance to 250 families, single elderly people, young people with disabilities
- UAH 5,000 of charitable contributions
- 64 volunteers were involved, who collected 2400 kg of products;

 The general structure of the set from the collected products:

- Easter Cake
- Cereals (buckwheat, rice, bulgur)
- Pasta
- Canned meat / fish
- Oil / tomato paste
- Corn / beans / canned peas
- Black / green tea
- Biscuits / crackers / cookies
- Candy / sugar


Helping citizens

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