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One of the activities of the Foundation is the implementation of educational programs, projects and initiatives. The projects are aimed both at improving the skills and competencies of future specialists, psychologists, social workers working in the field of child protection and at improving the psychological culture of parents and children.


Don Calabria Ukraine Charitable Foundation in cooperation with the Children of Heroes Charitable Foundation and the GoITeens IT Academy launched the UnityRise project 


The project aims to provide free IT education to Ukrainian children and teenagers who lost their parents in the war. The first 10 children have already received free training in Minecraft, Python, GameDev, Frontend, and Roblox. Each child could choose one of 12 IT courses.


By sending children to prepaid schooling, our foundation wanted to reduce the financial pressure on families whose children suffered from the war and lost their parents, and thus draw attention to the existing social problems.

Education for the children of Heroes: 


The training lasted for 9 weeks within the framework of the project "Psychological Art Studio for Children and Adolescents Affected by Hostilities" with the financial support of Bayer LLC. 

68 participants received certificates


35 exercises to stabilize the psycho-emotional state and overcome stress;

2 exercises-games for team building

13 energizer exercises

Training on “Methods and Techniques in Working with Individuals Affected by hostilities”

Quest: "Three Months of the Calabria Galaxy".

Objective: To increase self-esteem in young children of school age. The history of the quest led the participants into the wonderful world of space and the travel.  Each task helped the children to develop confidence in themselves and in their own strength, to overcome fear of public performances, to develop creative skills and skills of working in a team.


Training for foster parents

Objective: to strengthen the knowledge of foster parents together with the Kharkiv regional centre of social services for families, children and youth to show (the mechanisms of formation of psychological and emotional needs of the child; profound conditions of the problematic behavior of children; options for overcoming difficulties in behavior).


Master class on airbrush painting


Objective: to introduce the technique of airbrushing as a method for the child to more emotionally express their psycho-emotional state

Training "Financial literacy for children".

Objective: to introduce the basic elements of financial literacy (the concept of "budget", financial pastries, resource planning); to provide tools on how to plan and multiply/earn money; to teach how to decide independently, act and take the consequences of financial decisions.


Mini course for families - "Mind Maps.  Interactive way of learning "(3 lessons)

Objective: to acquaint parents with the interactive way of learning "Mind Map" as a tool that helps to plan tasks, structure and analyze information.  Show how to process information with the help of IR to master the school program, to understand a complex topic or to develop a project for school.


"Stop Bullying"

Goal: to provide effective mechanisms and relevant information on the prevention of bullying among children of specialized school №33.


Library of new publications on education and development of children

Goal: to create a space for information on childhood, parenthood and increase the psychological culture of interaction with children with special educational needs.


A two-day seminar "The importance of physical development and sensory integration in the work of a speech pathologist"

Goal: to improve knowledge and master new skills of sensory integration of students, future speech therapists and speech pathologists of the Department of Correctional Education and Special Psychology of KHPA (Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy).


Image of Modern Lady

Goal: to learn to create a wardrobe; "get acquainted" with your appearance, learning the individual features of your figure, color, shape of the face.

КУрс имидж женщины.jpg

Integrated course
of online lectures "Inclusive Education"

For students of Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy. A total of 341 participants.

Goal: to get acquainted with the international experience of implementing services related to the development of inclusion.


2-day training
"Diagnosis of the emotional state of the child"

Goal: to improve the knowledge and skills of being able to screen the emotional state of the child and his attitude to family members during social visits to the family.


Goal: to help psychologists of public institutions to master effective art-therapeutic techniques and methods.

1st Block "Techniques of isotherapy in working with children and adults."

2nd Block "Basic techniques of sand therapy".

3rd Block "Techniques of art therapy using metaphorical associative cards"

4th Block "Art Mosaic" (Cubes of stories, work with foil, fairy tale therapy and work with text) Workshop "Basic techniques of art therapy".


4-block workshop
"Basic techniques of art therapy"

Course: Fundamentals of Child Psychiatry

Goal: to deepen the general knowledge of practical psychologists about the psychopathology of children and the use in practice of modern methods and techniques for detecting mental health disorders in children.


Mini-training Emotional
intelligence for teens
(12-15 year old)

Goal: to acquaint teenagers (12-15 year old) about their age characteristics of emotional intelligence and provide basic tools on how to work with it.


Training for teenagers 12-15 year old, "Emotional Kaleidoscope"

Goal: to help teenagers understand and learn to manage their own emotional states.


2-day training for parents
"How to wait out the storm
of teenage crisis»

Goal: to help understand teenage emotions, how to work with them and better understand your child.


Cybersecurity Workshop:
basic rules for online behavior


Goal: employees of the Cyber Police Department will familiarize with the basic rules of safe use of the Internet.

Psychological game
"Conflict: getting out of the maze"

Психологычна гра_edited.jpg

Conflicts are an eternal topic. They destroy relationships and tear families apart, cause suffering and storm of emotions. But, sometimes it happens that the conflict becomes the point from which changes for the better begin.

Master Class
"Space in the Heart"


Goal: to help form a space of love as a safe place for a child in the heart of parents.

During our meeting, you will be able to learn:

formation of harmonious parent-child relationships to strengthen psychological family ties

listen and feel your child

together create an art charm for your home.

State and city programs
on housing

Goal: to inform about the possibilities of participation in state and city programs aimed at solving the problem of providing housing for internally displaced persons and privileged categories of the population.

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