To the kindergarten teacher about cerebral palsy
Good afternoon! I came to your kindergarten class. I know that the very fact of my appearance in the kindergarten was very unexpected.
Let me tell you about my diagnosis. The word "cerebral" means that the disorder occurred in the brain, and paralysis means that muscle function is affected. I have these movements because my brain is not controlling my muscles properly.
Previously, everyone thought that my classes required separate special kindergartens. Now they know that special wheelchairs, chairs and the knowledge of the kindergarten teachers will help me to be in a regular kindergarten. In many countries, children with cerebral palsy go to school with everyone else. It is useful for all children equally. We will all be able to communicate, learn kindness and tolerance. Of course, you will have many questions. And now I will try to tell you about the main thing.
Tips and ideas to help me become independent:

Special equipment helps me a lot in my development
The wheelchair and walker help me move more comfortably and easily, and do not restrict my movements or deprive me of motivation. Don't make me walk alone more and more. I can walk a few steps on my own, from the bed to the chair. I cover the rest of the distance in a walker. The distance was determined by my doctor, parents and physical therapist. I can spend all my energy on walking (I won't have any more for anything else). Moreover, I really need them for games, development and communication.
It is necessary and important for me to move. I may need your help to get up or sit down. Don't rush to pick me up in your arms or under the armpits - maybe you just need to hold my elbow or encourage me with a word.
I fell many times and got up many times. I, like everyone else, will fall sometimes. But when I fall, I look more helpless than a normal child. Don't rush to pick me up right away, I'm already 3 years old. I'm sure I'll be able to stand up on my own this time, too, if you just give me the opportunity. And stay close by in case I will need help.
My parents know what I can do and what I still need to learn. Find out from them:
What can I do on my own?
What help do you need and what kind of help?
How do I usually show that I need help?
When you get the answers, tell the teacher's assistant and the nannies so that you all act in the same way.
I learn to be independent and overcome difficulties in simple things. When I eat, get dressed for the street, or go to the restroom, wait for me. I need more time than others. Stay by my side and find warm words to support me, but don't do it instead of me. I will realize that I'm not helpless, but can be independent!
My attention is very dependent on the pose. If I sit uncomfortably or slip, I will think only about that, not about the class. A common feature for all children with cerebral palsy is that their hips should be on the seat and their feet should be on the surface. This is often easily achieved by bending all the joints in the legs at 90 degrees. My special chair with straps and a footrest helps me stay focused and engaged, not to slip and feel confident.
If you suddenly notice that I am not comfortable in a wheelchair, with a walker or in a chair, tell my parents about it.
My equipment is a part of me. Tell the other children not to move the chair or walker away from me, not to put anything in it, not even toys.
It is important for me to be involved in all matters and to be independent. To eat, draw and be proud of it. That's why I have a spoon with a thicker handle. It is easier to hold it in my hand. The same with pencils and brushes. My parents are aware of these subtleties and can bring everything I need to the kindergarten. It would be great if I could use these items every day.
I won't have a neat place. Eating, drawing and many other things I do not do very accurately and you can see the saliva. Don't focus on this, it's important for me to do it myself and to do it together with everyone.
It's important for me to communicate with everyone, to ask and refuse, to express ideas, and to do it as fast as all the other kids are. For this purpose, I have a tablet with a special program for communication and paper PECS cards. They help me to become part of the company and communicate like everyone else, just with the help of devices.
Tips and ideas to help us communicate:
To make it easy to communicate with me:
Speak clearly, in simple phrases, use gestures, and pause so that I have time to think about what you have said - try counting to three or five. Children play much easier than adults, but they have a harder time understanding speech.
Please address me by the name I am called at home. Ask my parents about it.
I don't speak as clearly as other children. But I am learning a lot and trying hard. Over time, you will begin to understand me better. In the meantime, don't forget about PECS cards and a tablet for communication.

Sit across from me and be the first to look me in the eye. I really like to look into people's faces and see their eyes when I talk to them. But it is difficult to raise my head all the time - then I lose my balance and can fall.
I have ideas and desires. If they are often overlooked, I will behave badly to attract the attention of an adult. Or, on the contrary, I will lose hope of being heard and shut down. If I misbehave or withdraw, think about what I might want in that moment. Say out loud what I want and watch my behaviour. If you guessed right, you will see a positive reaction. Help me realize my ideas. And then I will want to participate in a common cause. I'll be engaged and interested, which means I'll be able to behave better.
Praise me if you want me to learn something faster. The shortcomings are always more visible, but the comments do not motivate me to improve. They don't motivate other children either. You don't need to praise me all the time, praise me for something that is usually difficult for me to do, but now I have succeeded. (I am very motivated by praise for what I manage to do. Sometimes it's hard, but praise gives me the strength to learn new things)
Tips and ideas on how to make friends with children in the group.
Children are used to everything unusual, and it is difficult to surprise us. Yes, my appearance does not meet the standards of beauty magazines. But fortunately, children don't read them often; we prefer cartoons with strange drawn characters. Let us and help us play together. Playing games together will make me confident and inspire me to new movements and development. I will gain confidence.
Try to adapt the games and the place at the table and on the floor so that I can participate. At first, it will be difficult for me to get involved, so offer me roles and show me different ways to participate in games or at a children's matinee. Over time, I'll become more proactive, and my friends and I will come up with our own games.

A barrier-free environment is the key to my independence and activity. It's cool for everyone, and it also means free time and energy for play and development.
A barrier-free environment is convenient for everyone, not just for people with disabilities. In kindergartens, it includes wider doors, fewer steps, wider entrances to bathrooms, and comfortable handrails. This design is also called universal because it is suitable and convenient for everyone.
It's great to have ramps and no curbs. It's convenient for me, people with baby carriages, the elderly and gyroboarders. It is easier to move around in a space with the universal design, and it is less traumatic. This trend is actively developing in Ukraine, and every building designed in this way immediately becomes fashionable.
In many countries, children with cerebral palsy learn, work and play together with other children. Most often, it starts from kindergarten. My kindergarten teacher is a very important person in my life. It is you who will be able to teach me to be independent, confident and needed, to find my place in society. This is so important! And I hope that this thought will inspire you if something doesn't work out immediately and easily.